Begin your journey today and join our Baller4Life ELITE Family

I authorize Baller 4 Life Sports Training to use photos, and /or other likenesses of myself and or my child or the child for whom I have legal guardianship for any promotional materials regarding Baller 4 Life programs, facilities, or services. Such likenesses will not be sold to other parties. Promotional materials bearing these likenesses may be distributed for free to the public and posted on the Baller 4 Life Sports Training website. Baller 4 Life reserves the right to use any photo or likeness for a time period beginning when this form is signed and ending upon written request of participant, parent, or legal guardian.


I am aware that BASKETBALL is a high-risk sport and that practicing or competing in BASKETBALL will be a dangerous activity involving MANY RISKS OF INJURY. I understand the dangers and risks of practicing and competing in BASKETBALL include but are not limited to, death; serious neck and spinal injuries which may result in complete or partial paralysis, brain damage, serious injury to virtually all internal organs, serious injury to virtually all bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons and other aspects of the muscular skeletal system, and serious injury or impairment to other aspects of my body, general health and well being. I understand that the dangers and risks of practicing or competing in BASKETBALL may result not only in serious injury, but in a serious impairment of my future abilities to earn a living, to engage in other business, social and recreational activities and generally to enjoy life. I also understand that the sport in which I participate may be so inherently dangerous that no amount of reasonable supervision, protective equipment or training can eliminate all vestiges of danger. I am informed the District does not assume the responsibility for the medical services required for these risks.

Because of the dangers of BASKETBALL, I recognize the importance of following the coaches’ instructions regarding techniques, training and other team rules, etc., and to agree to obey such instructions.

Prior to signing up, please read, review and agree to the following WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY.


OGP Huntington
Practice Player
$250 per month

• Month to month commitment
• Two 90 minute practices per week
• Not eligible for weekend tournaments
*Does not include competitive games
• Professional coaching
• Quality facilities
• Organized structure and communication
• Optional training programs available
• Team practice jersey top included at no additional cost

OGP Huntington Boys Youth Club
Team Monthly
$325 per month

• Four month season commitment
• Two 90 minute practices per week
• Two competitive weekend tournaments
• One seasonal travel tournament (subject to availability)
• Professional coaching
• Quality facilities
• Organized structure and communication
• Optional training programs available
• Team practice jersey top included at no additional cost

OGP Huntington Boys Youth Club
Team Full Season Prepay
$1,195 per season

• Four month season commitment
• Two 90 minute practices per week
• Two competitive weekend tournaments
• One seasonal travel tournament (subject to availability) Features
• Professional coaching
• Quality facilities
• Organized structure and communication
• Optional training programs available
• Team practice jersey top included at no additional cost

Get in touch

    Practice Location: 17071 Gothard St, Huntington Beach, CA 92647

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